Basic Immunology Abbas 4th Edition 71.pdf !!TOP!!
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We have focused on teaching principles, rather thanon detailed descriptions of specific diseases or pathogeneses.Of course, we have included selected clinical cases toshow how basic immunologic principles may be applied tothe treatment of human disease. Finally, we have usedpanel discussions of current clinical problems as aninformal way of examining the mechanisms ofimmunologic responses.
Above all, we believe that this sixth edition of BasicImmunology is a pleasure to read. It is written in anengaging, informal style, and the illustrations are excellent.As we conclude our sixth year of collaborative work, wesee that the approach we have taken in the writing ofthis book has had the desired effect; we hope you find itas enjoyable to read as we did.
We have made broad changes in the overall structureof the book to make it more user-friendly and to broadenits scope. We have also added and subtracted material toaccommodate the rapid pace of immunologic discovery.
made an effort to provide a logical flow ofinformation and to minimize repetition of ideas. Fifth,our goal has been to emphasize the clinical aspects ofimmunology, including many cases and pathogeneticmechanisms that illustrate how basic principlescan be applied to human disease. Sixth, we have strivedto avoid trivialities, such as in-depth discussion of the structure and function ofthe lymph node. Because the purpose of this book isto present basic principles in an effective, concise mannerand to emphasize clinical aspects, we believe theseobjectives have been successfully achieved.
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