Facebook Hacked Passwords List
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This report summarizes the findings of the SafetyDetectives research team who collected over 18 million passwords to find the 20 most used, most predictable, and ultimately most hacked passwords all over the world.
The overall password trends analyzed from worldwide users match up pretty well with this list, making the most used passwords in the world extremely prone to dictionary attacks. Those users in the US and Spain with these passwords are also extremely susceptible to hacks.
RockYou, a California based company, made it possible to authenticate on facebook applications without having to re-enter passwords. In December 2009, it was hacked. The database containing the unencrypted names and passwords of its 32 million customers was stolen and then made public.An analysis of the passwords showed that two thirds of the passwords were less than 6 characters long, and that the most commonly used password was 123456.This list of passwords, sorted by frequency is frequently used in CTF.On Kali, the file, zipped, is stored in: /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.zipIn the terminal, to get into good habits, the file can be found at: /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txtpassword list Rockyou: rockyou.txt
If we have a list of usernames and passwords, we can implement a dictionary attack. But if we have more information on which usernames are likely to have a set of passwords, we can prepare a custom list for Hydra.
Please my facebook account has been hacked, my password and the number have been also changed by a profile picture with the name fernando,he is the one behind all this, please help me get my account back.[Personal information removed]
My profile was hacked this morning and i got two text messages this morning saying password was changed and i have tried everything to get back in to it and they have messages all my friends talking crazy and when i pull up my sing in it got a different phone number and different profile picture on it and i had my dad go to my facebook page and they have changed were i work and its saying military and i reported i was hacked to Facebook by email and the did not do ant thing about it so what do i do
my facebook has been hacked and I have tried everything and nothing seams to work and now I do not know what to do now I which there was a way that I could have my facebook account back does anyone have any ideas on my sitchion brian
For one week I been completing forms sending ID, using codes which do t work and back and forth with passwords.My account was hacked a Mohammad D lashan, he used my email and mobile numberI removed my account completelyCould somebody please help me this is extremely frustrating not having access to Facebook or messenger.I need to recover my account
If a criminal hacks or steals your device, they can export all of your passwords. In fact, anyone can download your Google password list to a USB drive while you're away or distracted from your PC in a coffee shop, coworking office, or other public space.
Whereas brute-force attacks attempt every possible combination by changing one character at a time, dictionary attacks rely on preset lists of words and known passwords that people tend to use. Hackers hit TransUnion South Africa servers with a dictionary attack in March 2022 before demanding $15 million in cryptocurrency [*].
wrong. regular people's account passwords are not \"hacked\" on a regular basis, and password rules have got out of control, forcing users to keep a log somewhere of all their passwords (or to get software to handle all their thousands of passwords). it's pretty ridiculous that someone needs to create an 8 digit mixed password with upper and lower case letters and special characters to add and/or check points on a baby diaper site. REALLY! Is some mastermind criminal going to steal my huggies account from me and tell the world how many diapers I buy a weekPasswords are phished, not hacked, and it is usually the user's fault by not following simple rules like \"don't follow links in e-mail\" or don't respond to pop-ups on the web that say \"your computer is infected, quick! push this button\", etc.I do agree that the people setting up these phish sites should be prosecuted harshly if they can be found, but there should really be a single point contact like \"911\" on a phone that people can report suspicious websites or e-mails so they can be shut down, and then they should be shut down immediately.
If I had to devellop a new algorithm to generate passwords just trying to get into an account your list would come in very handy as a first attempt, before generating combinations of letters, numbers and punctuations.
any hacker that plans on ever using brute force to hack into an account will already have a list like this containing thousands of passwords.many would rather ask a million people for their password, and would get a few thousand replies
As a computer professional I've been using 8 character/nummber/special character passwords for more than twenty years. Never been hacked. I hate websites that won't allow the use of special characters.
Any advice on how to remember these bizarro 12-character passwords that are meaningless strings I currently have 84 sites that I use frequently, all password protected. Since I'm not supposed to use the same password for more than one site, and I'm not supposed to have easily remembered passwords, and I'm not supposed to write them down, then Right now I have them all in a Word file called Read Me. I know no one ever looks at a Read Me file, so even if I'm hacked, I figure they're safe.
You can generate a password like \"nA5Uma!!T5X#Va8u, D3ECeze#UtHac2Sa, 5ukE3+ph3truFEGa\" using any online password generator and then just write down it on the desk, stiker or in the text file mypasswords.txt on the desktop or onedrive. Then when you enter a password on the facebook you input your changed password using your own modification formula.Sample formula 1: 5th letter increased three times (you shouldn't note or tell your formula, keep it in your mind)You passwords to access: \"nA5Upa!!T5X#Va8u, D3ECjze#UtHac2Sa, 5ukE6+ph3truFEGa\"Sample formula 2: add my favorite day at the begin and month at the end of password (you shouldn't note or tell your formula, keep it in your mind)You passwords to access: \"31thnA5Uma!!T5X#Va8uAug, 31thD3ECeze#UtHac2SaAug, 31th5ukE3+ph3truFEGaAug\"Sample formula 3: reverse 4 letters at the beginning and at the end (you shouldn't note or tell your formula, keep it in your mind)You passwords to access: \"U5Anma!!T5X#u8aV, CE3Deze#UtHaaS2c, Eku53+ph3truaGEF\"
Also you can use website name where you login in for your formula to make passwords different for each service. E'g. add the last and the first letter of the sitename after the fifth letter (facebook: nA5Umkfa!!T5X#Va8u, twitter: D3ECertze#UtHac2Sa, instagram: 5ukE3mi+ph3truFEGa).
To help prove your identity when reporting your account has been hacked, Jake Moore, cybersecurity specialist at security company ESET recommends using a device that Facebook would recognise, for example a laptop connected to your home IP address.
Dictionary attacks are similar to brute force methods but involve hackers running automated scripts that take lists of known usernames and passwords and run them against a login system sequentially to gain access to a service. It means every username would have to be checked against every possible password before the next username could be attempted against every possible password.
Offline hacking usually involves the process of decrypting passwords by using a list of hashes likely taken from a recent data breach. Without the threat of detection or password form restrictions, hackers are able to take their time.
By using a custom password list, you can increase the chances of hacking facebook passwords tremendously. By making your own custom wordlist, you can reduce the time even more. You can custom tailor the wordlist if you know the victim. Read this article on how to guess passwords. It can help you make a pretty decent password list. By using this dictionary attack instead of a typical brute-force attack, you will be able to hack facebook much more quickly.
As mentioned earlier you need an excellent password list for this exploit to work. This brute force hack does not work against strong passwords. A custom list is always better. You can find many facebook password cracking lists available on the internet.
Here password.lst is the password list which contains the list of passwords to be bruteforced. admin is the username we will be trying for. The usernames can also be bruteforced with -L option.
In May 2016, a search engine for hacked data and a hacker obtained over 400 million records from MySpace. Both parties claimed that they had obtained the data from a past, unreported data security incident. The leaked information contained emails, passwords, usernames, and second passwords. The hacker tried to sell the information for $2,800 or 6 Bitcoin on the dark web.
Summary: Hackers stole the details of 617 million online accounts from 16 hacked websites, including Dubsmash, MyHeritage, Whitepages, Fotolog, BookMate, CoffeeMeetsBagel, HauteLook, and DataCamp. They then put the details on the dark web Dream Market cyber-souk for less than $20,000 in Bitcoin. Most of the leaked information consisted of email addresses, account-holder names, and hashed passwords that had to be cracked before they could be used.
Summary: The hacker who stole 617 million records from the 16 sites earlier in this list stole another 127 million from 8 more websites. They pulled data from websites that included Houzz, Ge.tt, Ixigo, YouNow, Roll20, Coinmama, Stronghold Kingdoms, and PetFlow. After gathering all the information, the hacker put up the hacked data for $14,500 in Bitcoin. Most of the stolen information consisted of email addresses, names, scrambled passwords, and other account and login data. 153554b96e