The English Teacher Opus Serial Number
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For example, on my fiftieth birthday, my wife Dorothea gave me a gift that I always dreamed of having- an old Ford tractor. After tooling around on it pleasurably for a while, I began to wonder just how old this ancient creature actually was. Friends who were visiting when I posed the question had an answer. Just look at the serial number on the engine block, I was instructed. After cleaning away ages of grime that had accumulated, the numbers slowly became visible. My friends, coincidentally, were able to produce a list of Ford tractor serial numbers, each indicating the year of manufacture. It turned out that my tractor was made in 1941, only four years after I was born. This somehow gave me a measure of comfort in knowing that well on in age, the tractor was still able to haul rocks, dirt, and firewood around, as I was still able to draw a bow across my fiddle strings. I most enjoyed your story. Your descriptions of the objects along with serial numbers brought great images to mind, but the Strad image was more one of trying to imagine the sound of your playing such a grand instrument. I was always a big fan of your beautiful sound. The story was a pleasure to read, and in these terrible, troubled times, it brought a pleasant oasis for the mind. Thanks. 153554b96e